Welcome to My Studio and Shop!

I'm Billy Pace and I create, fabricate and design custom pieces in wood and/or metal for collectors, business owners, designers, corporations and mall displays.

What a great job! My studio and shop home base is in the Raleigh, NC area but my work has been installed in venues from California to Las Vegas to Bermuda to way down in Miami.

My pieces range from practical problem solving welding for small business owners to beautiful and creative, seasonal designs for malls. I've worked with numerous nationally known theatrical groups to design sets for their plays and dances.

Like I said, it's a great job!
Come along with me while I add to my photos and develop my gallery. You never know what I'll be creating next!
Contact the shop at billy@woodironstudios.com or call 919-280-7596
Visit my Facebook Page at Wood-Iron-Studio

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lots of catching up with projects and news!

It's been a crazy 12 months with jobs taking me everywhere, leaving no time to post and catch up. So I'll try to do a little of that now.

This company sign with steel letters was built to complement an aged pallet wall I built earlier this year for them.
I used naturally aged hardwoods for light to dark contrast. 

More catching up in the next few days!